first thing first
Selam gönül dostlarııı!! Bu mütevazi blogumun ilk yazısında size biraz burada neler okuyacağınızdan bahsedeyim. Bu blogda muhtemelen görsel bir günlük göreceksiniz. Hayatımı, düşüncelerimi, anılarımı kağıtlara aktarmak yerine bir bloga yazmayı tercih ettim. Kendi duygu ve düşüncelerimi, deneyimlediğim olayları, yorumlarım ve eleştirilerimi burada paylaşacağım. Umarım siz de okurken keyif alırsınız. Yeni yazılarda görüşmek üzere.
Hi my beloved friends! I will talk about what you are going to read In this cute and modest blog. Probably, you will see a visual diary. Instead of writing on papers to my life, my thoughts and my memories, I will tell them to you in here. At least this is my little future plan. Well.. Whyy I am doing this in here? The reason is to reach more people to share ideas, comments and thoughts. You know what people say ''sharing caring''I hope you enjoy while you are reading.
Hi my beloved friends! I will talk about what you are going to read In this cute and modest blog. Probably, you will see a visual diary. Instead of writing on papers to my life, my thoughts and my memories, I will tell them to you in here. At least this is my little future plan. Well.. Whyy I am doing this in here? The reason is to reach more people to share ideas, comments and thoughts. You know what people say ''sharing caring''I hope you enjoy while you are reading.
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